Progressive Motor Assist


Progressive Home Assist


Customer Service


Progressive Motor Assist


Progressive Home Assist


Customer Service


Claim Procedures

All insurance policies have claims conditions that impose certain condition and requirements on you when you decide or need to make a claim. If you do not follow these condition or requirement you may not receive full payment for the amount claimed or you may not received anything at all in some circumstances.

The following notes are designed to help you more specifically with most of the typical claim types:

  • Damage to Property
  • Theft of Property
  • Loss of Money
  • Motor Accidents
  • Motor Theft
  • Employers Liability – Injury to Employees

Important – Notify your Insurer / Brokers or Agents immediately of any incident that resulted in loss or damage that may be a subject of insurance claim under your policy. They will then advise you on the procedure on how to proceed with the claim if the loss is claimable under your insurance policy.

Damage to Property
Make a list of the damaged property and find as much as you can in the way of documentary evidence to support of the amounts claimed, such as receipts or repair estimates.

If damage is extensive we will arrange for a Loss Adjuster to attend immediately to the loss and they will liaise with you on the claim..

Theft of Property
Make a list of the lost or damaged items and find as much as you can in the way of documentary evidence to support of the amounts claimed, such as purchase receipts or repair estimates and inventory record.

Notify the Police of the incident and get a copy of the police report.

Take photographs of the incident showing the point of entry, damage sustained and location of the loss item kept.

For large claim, Progressive Insurance will appoint Adjuster to investigate the loss and liaise with the insured/ claimant on the claim.

Loss of Money
Documentary evidence, banking record, accounting record (such as cash withdrawal slips) showing the exact amount of money stolen will be required.

Notify the Police of the incident and get a copy of the police report.

Motor Accidents
At the scene of the accident obtain details of:

  • Third parties names and addresses;
  • The registration number of any vehicles involved; and
  • Whenever possible, the name and address of any witness to the accident.

It is a requirement that all accidents are reported as soon as possible, even where there is no damage to your vehicle. Any accident involving injury to third party must be reported to the Police.

Insured may call Progressive Auto Assist at 1-300-881-238 where they can take details of the accident over the telephone and arrange for your vehicle to be removed to an approved repairer, if necessary.

Any correspondence received from third parties, or their representatives, should be forwarded immediately to Progressive Insurance / Brokers, unanswered, for our attention. Insurers will respond to third party correspondence on your behalf, so it is essential that this is done quickly.

Motor Theft
Theft of a vehicle should be reported immediately to the Police and as soon as possible to Progressive Insurance or your insurers. Keep a copy of the Police Report and follow-up regularly for outcome of police investigation. There will normally be a waiting period of up to 6 months to see if the vehicle is recovered, prior to making a settlement offer. However, in normal case, the claim is settled after 3 months of the date of loss.

The documentation required are original Vehicle Registration, All original keys to vehicle, insured identity card or business registration, copy of any finance/lease agreement.

Employers Liability / Public Liability – Injury to Employees / Third Party
It is important that any incident that likely to result in claim under Employers Liability is immediately reported to us. That all letters of claim received by insured be passed on to us immediately unanswered with all relevant information pertaining to the claim.

This means you must:

  • Report all claims/incidents likely to give rise to a claim IMMEDIATELY
  • Complete a claim form as quickly as possible and return it to us
  • Retain all evidence on any incidents such as:
    • Incident report forms
    • Accident Book Record, if any
    • First Aider Report of the incident, if any
    • Safety Officer Report
    • Heath & Safety Documentation
    • Photographs/Sketch Plans of the location of loss
    • Security Videos of the incident, if any

Please pass on all correspondence received in connection with the matter to us immediately and unanswered.
